Your Support and Altruism can Help Save a Life!

Donate To Save

We are a registered 501 (C) (3) tax exempt organization.

As a nonprofit organization, we are reliant on your donations. Through those donations, we help people around the world and make sure that people who are contemplating suicide know that they are not alone.

Every 12 minutes someone in the United States takes their own lives. Over 800,000 people each year commit suicide!

Prevention is better than a cure, it’s important to strike at the heart of the problem before it spreads, so please donate and help save lives.

helping hands

Public Awareness

It’s important to talk about suicide openly so that the stigma that comes with it is completely wiped out.Talk to friends, loved ones, strangers.

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Shop At Our Merch Store

Help us by helping others by shopping. One of the best ways you can support our cause is by simply buying merchandise from our non-profit stores.

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Training & Consulting

Having the know-how to deal with tense situations when it comes to someone who is thinking about committing suicide can go a long way in saving people.

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Your Donation Can Save Thousands

Donate and help the ones who need it most because by donating you will have the opportunity to help people in distress. Through your donation, you can become a vessel for change and be the hero that these people need you to be.


Our Sponsors

Butler Snow
MC & L
sir speedy