Therapy Dogs Might Just be the Support We Need!

Any pet owner would tell you that having a pet enriches and improves one’s life. Pets, on the other hand, aren’t only a source of entertainment and occasional extra work. Animals can assist individuals in recovering from illness, reducing the burden of medical visits, and alleviating social isolation. Although a number of animals have been employed in therapeutic settings, therapy dogs are by far the most common, and there is compelling evidence that a therapy dog may significantly improve a person’s quality of life.


Any dog employed in a therapeutic setting to improve treatment outcomes is referred to as a therapy dog. Others are simply well-behaved dogs who have been trained to do specific duties. A dog does not have to be a specific breed, size, or age to become a therapy dog. Some are raised and trained to give therapeutic services, while others are just weekend visitors to a nursing home or rehabilitation centre.


Therapy dogs are extremely versatile and can do a wide range of tasks. Some pay visits to residents in nursing homes and respite centres, providing company and the opportunity to pet an animal for a short time. Others work with troubled children. Some child-abuse clinics, for example, allow youngsters to talk about their abuse with therapy dogs rather than people. In certain jails, therapeutic pet-ownership programmes have been formed in which a prisoner takes care of an abandoned or unwanted dog or puppy. Some canines have undergone extensive training and serve as seizure-alert dogs for persons with epilepsy or as assistance dogs for those with sensory impairments. Dogs have also been utilised to assist military veterans suffering from PTSD and other difficulties. Before being placed with an owner, these dogs may go through years of training.


Dogs have a calming impact on their owners. Petting a dog can help alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms. The advantages of therapy dogs are numerous, and include:

  • Increasing one’s autonomy
  • Anxiety, depression, and other mental health symptoms are lessening.
  • Stress reduction
  • Physical health improvement
  • Providing companionship to those who are lonely or alone
  • Providing a safe environment for people, particularly youngsters, to discuss difficult topics
  • Providing reassurance to patients who are afraid about medical treatment


Dogs can be certified as therapy canines by a number of organisations, although not all dogs are certified. Owners of well-behaved dogs, for example, are invited to bring their canines in a few times a week or month to some nursing facilities. However, your dog will very certainly need to pass a temperament test and show no evidence of hostility or anxiety toward people or other animals. Some dogs may require additional training. Therapy dogs working with youngsters, for example, may need to learn to endure being held firmly and avoid jumping on a boisterous child.

Before moving in with a permanent owner, guide dogs normally go through a year or two of training. Several organisations seek out families ready to devote the time and effort necessary to train a guide dog. They must, however, surrender the dog when it is time for him or her to find a permanent home.